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Treats! ; Dog Bowl; and Car Ride

Artist Statement

Jasmine Hart is an animator and illustrator based in Chicago, IL. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Animation from Columbia College Chicago in 2017. Currently, she works as an assistant teacher at a private school and freelance animates in her spare time. Lately, she has been doing more motion graphics work, so she decided to use a similar style for "Treats!," "Dog Bowl," and "Car Ride." When she learned that dogs are color blind to red, but see blues and yellows, she decided to utilize those colors in her work. She got her inspiration for the pieces from her family dog, Toby, who's a lovable ten-year old shi tzu. She jumped at the chance to make art specifically for Toby. He enjoys the simple things like fresh water in his blue bowl, a nice car ride, and most importantly, treats!

You can find more of Jasmine's work at

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